The minimum salary in Romania will be increased starting 1st of January 2014

According to Government decision no. 871/2013 settling the national guarantee minimum gross salary published into the Official Gazette no. 703/ 15.11.2013, applicable starting of 01 January 2014, minimum gross salary shall have the value of 850 RON.

The value of 850 RON is applicable for a complete working schedule of 168 hours as monthly average in 2014, representing 5,059 lei/hour.
The normative act also provides that starting 1st of July 2014 the minimum salary will be increased once again and shall be 900 RON. 

According to legal provisions, all employers that shall set salaries lower than the minimum provided in above Government decision, risk fines between 1.000 and 2.000 RON

Increasing of the minimum salary starting 1st of Jan 2014 must be registered in REVISAL by all employers that have such situations. Failure to comply may be punished by the labor inspectors with fines between 5.000 and 8.000 RON.

Increasing the minimum wage will lead to additional costs for employers, who will have to pay extra money for both employers and authorities.

Also the level of the national minimum gross salary has effects over computation bases of certain mandatory social contributions and medical leaves computation base.

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